
Windsor House Captains

Orlan Hartley

"My vision for Newton (now Windsor) House is that we can sufficiently set an example for the other houses in the school by making learning the primary focus in the house. I am absolutely fascinated by physics and space, and Isaac Newton’s theories massively progressed the thinking around space and physics. The name Newton helps to foster an environment in which academic progress is supported, as well as critical thinking, which is a vital part of modern life, especially in the age of social media and the misinformation that comes along with it."

Morgan Jones

"Being a member of the Newton (now Windsor) house community throughout my time at DHSB so far, I have felt immense pride in not just my own achievements, but those of Newton in general and I believe that the community spirit in Newton, where everyone’s success becomes one, is unmatched by any other. As house captain I will do my utmost to ensure that every single student in Newton house feels valued and can be proud of what they do, for themselves, friends and the wider community. "

St. Levan Shield




Vice Captain

Jamie Monks

"As a member of Newton (now Windsor) house, I will do my utmost to ensure that we excel in our primary focuses, such as learning and the development of critical thinking, whilst also promoting the well-being of all of our house members and the wider school community.”

Vice Captain

Gwen Stell

"My vision for Newton (now Windsor) house is to foster a sense of purpose and competition to encourage students to strive for excellence. In my leadership role I aim to promote an inclusive community where everyone can learn and grow."

Commendations can be awarded by staff for a range of different reasons. All students across the house can contribute in many ways, across many curricular and extra-curricular areas.

The Windsor  Commendations Profile is updated weekly and helps us to identify where Windsor's strengths lie and areas we can make improvements in.

Windsor Charities

Windsor House will be supporting these charities across 2023-24

Year 7 Tutor Reps

Joe D
Sports Rep
Antos R
Voice Rep
Austin M
Charity Rep

Year 8 Tutor Reps

Healey S
Sports Rep
Ben H
Voice Rep
Jesse S
Charity Rep

Year 9 Tutor Reps

William Y
Sports Rep
Ayaan C
Voice Rep
Joel J
Charity Rep

Year 10 Tutor Reps

Lucas C
Sports Rep
Oliver B
Voice Rep
Rhys G
Charity Rep

Year 11 Tutor Reps

Owen D
Sports Rep
Joe H
Voice Rep
Giles P
Charity Rep

Legacy House Captains


 Newton House Captains

Madison Green


Henry Jenkins

Windsor House Song

As voted by the members of our house, Don't Stop Me Now by Queen is our new house song. Check it out...