Community Ambassadors

Mayflower Community Academy 


2022/23 saw our Year 12 and 13 Maths Ambassadors embark on a new project with our friends at Mayflower Community Academy in Plymouth. The Coachee2Coach project was the brainchild of the leadership team at Mayflower, David Sammels and Helen Jennings, with support from Professor David Burghess at the Univeristy of Plymouth. 

At the start of the year we recruited an able and enthusiastic team of A Level Maths students to deliver one to one support with the Year 6 students at Mayflower. The objective was to use the resources provided by the University of Plymouth to consolidate and enhance their maths skills ahead of moving to secondary school. A coaching model was adopted and our students were paired with students who they have worked with until completion of the course.  

This has been a valuable opportunity for our ambassadors and they were also able to share those experiences with teaching professionals at the SWAT conference at Exeter University.

Our 2023/24 Ambassadors

Will Connett

Will Cooper

Stavya Dubey

Talha Durrani

Reuben Hellings

Elliot Jones

Menula Mudannayake

Ewan Piercy